Normally women’s always want to look beauty and sexy in every condition. Faddist women change their fashion style every week. A lot of women aspire to purchase the most recent fashion style. They enjoy being different and making a fashion statement. But no doubt, every woman has jeans in their fashion collection. Jeans always stay in their position, don’t care how often the style of fashion changed, jeans will always have their own position.

Jeans for women had more style than for men. There are straight legs, wide legs, flared, boot cut, skinny fit, and many more jeans style for women. Jeans also had various price, from the cheap ones into hundred of dollars for jeans designer labels. Many fashion store offering new jeans collection, and the only thing you should do to get the most suitable jeans for you is pick them out by your size and your body type, but the most important thing is don't forget about the price so your wallet can be save. Not all expensive jeans can be suit with your body, so be carefully when u choose jeans for your collection.

Don’t be afraid if you accustomed to purchasing online, the thing you should know is you are familiar with the labels and sizes differences between one labels and the other. And the more important are we should pay attention to our body type, fit, and lifestyle so that jeans we purchased are really good and matching for us. How do we know about that? Sure we can, there is a lot of buyer guide that will help us to choose the right jeans for us on internet.

18 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

well yeah, good post jeung.
jeans is on my fashion list.. :)

Reny.. mengatakan...

Hidup jins !!

Tapi sebenernya jins itu hal yang jahat..
Soalnya kan dia hampir mirip2 setan gitu..
OH! *nepuk jidat
Itu JIN ya..hehe..=D

Anonim mengatakan...

kalo beli jeans scara online gitu tar celananya keluar dari CD ROOM yah??? hihihihi

Anonim mengatakan...

thanks for sharing yah...

btw, gw ud dapet jodoh nih, doanya yang lain dong... hihihi...

seezqo mengatakan...

Past : Diamonds are forever.
Present: Jeans are forever.

Past : Say it with flowers.
Present: Say it with jeans.

Past : No woman no cry.
Present: No jeans no sexy.

Past : How low can U go?
Present: How jeans can U wear?

Past : I love U just the way U
Present: I love jeans the way U

Anang mengatakan...

you are Hot when you wear jeans, its for sure. hot hot hot.. damn hot..

Anonim mengatakan...

Jeans Iprit emang long lasting..

Andri Journal mengatakan...

Pokoke..Kalo ada cewek cakep rambut lurus panjang..pake kaos ketat lengan pendek..trus pake jeans ketat..MESTI TAK LIRIK!
**cuci mata mode on**

Sinopi mengatakan...

uhmmm.. endebrey.. endebrey..
ta'tau ni postingan isinya apah.
bahasa endonesah ajah aku ta'ngerti.. apalagi bahasa begonoan..

Anonim mengatakan...

itu maksudnya.. wanita pake jean, apa jean dipake sama wanita, atau wanita kemasukan jin.. hehe

salam kenal ya..

Anonim mengatakan...

nice review ..
ini salah satu pe er yg harus dikerjain yah? mantap
mudahan makin lancar deh pe er nya

Anonim mengatakan...

jeans merupakan temuan terbaik sepanjang kehidupan manusia,, thanks to Jeans... :D

Mike.... mengatakan...

wekekeke..ngakak baca komennya reny..:)

hari Lazuardi mengatakan...

Was wis wus wes wos, bacaan ringan tapi dengan bahasa londo teutep aja dahi agak sedikit berkerut karena jarang makan keju… :)

Mama Beruang mengatakan...

i love jean, sneaker, and t'shirt
wow! so casual!!

Anonim mengatakan...

somehow, wanita tambah sexy dengan jeansnya yang ketat
* lh0

ipam nugroho mengatakan...

paid reviewnya lancar jaya...

Anonim mengatakan...

i beliefe women have inner beauty that must be showed, not just ....

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